School - Questions and Answers
Are the preschool, primary and high school departments open to everyone?
Yes. In accordance with the Swedish Education Act, our preschool, primary and high school departments are accessible to all children/pupils where places are available.
Does BMSL admit an equal number of girls and boys to gender-balance the classes?
No. In accordance with the Swedish Education Act we offer places according to the position in the queue and give priority to siblings of existing pupils and those being offered places.
Is a connection to the French or English language a prerequisite for admission to the preschool, primary or high school?
No. There is no such requirement. Over 30 languages are spoken by our pupils. However, they all have English and French in common due to the immersion method.
Is attendance at a Montessori preschool a prerequisite for admission to BMSL?
Can pupils opt out of French lessons?
No. The immersion method is an important part of BMSL’s infrastructure and profile. All of our pupils study French until the 6th grade. However, in the 6th grade pupils can choose Spanish rather than French as their modern language.
Can pupils opt out of English lessons?
No. English is a compulsory subject in all Swedish primary and high schools.
Do you need to have knowledge of the French language to start at BMSL?
No prior knowledge of French is required to start at BMSL.
Do you need to have knowledge of the English language to start at BMSL?
No prior knowledge of English is required to begin at BMSL.
Do all lessons take place on the BMSL school premises?
No. Gym classes take place at Victoria Stadium, about a 10 minute walk from the school.
From the 7th grade and onwards, Home Economics lessons take place at a nearby school.
From the 6th grade and onwards, Woodwork classes take place at a nearby school.
How much French/ English do pupils have in a week?
Pupils will encounter English or French-speaking pedagogues that only interact in their mother tongue throughout their school day (in class, at break-time or at fritids).
In addition, pupils from the F Class to the 5th grade experience language immersion at fritids.
In the F Class, there is a Swedish teacher working alongside an English or French teacher every day, throughout the day.
Pupils have dedicated language lessons in English and French, as well as English or French-speaking teachers taking some morning assemblies and assisting Swedish-speaking teachers during lesson times.
Pupils in grades 6-9 receive language instruction in accordance with the Swedish Education Department’s requirements.
Is BMSL a parent cooperative?
No. BMSL is a foundation.
Can you visit the school?
There is considerable interest in BMSL and this means that, unfortunately, we cannot cater for individual visits. Instead, we welcome interested parents to our Open House evenings, held once per term. These are advertised in the local paper two (or so) weeks in advance of the date and all those that are registered on our queue will receive an invitation via email. However, when we offer a place at the preschool, primary or high school we also offer a guided visit.
What does the language immersion method involve?
The immersion method requires all of our teachers to speak their mother tongue, whether you encounter them at lessons, fritids, in the corridor or at break-time. The French and English-speaking teachers stick to their mother tongues so that pupils gain the maximum exposure to their language in their day-to-day school environment.
What does BMSL expect of its parents?
We hope that our parents are not only committed to their own children but also to the school. For example, we have two volunteer days each term, where parents can lend a hand improving the school environment.
We want our parents to encourage their children to respect the school’s values and behave accordingly.
We need a parent body that respects and supports the school’s values.