Those familiar with the Swedish system will know that ‘fritids’ is a care provision for children before and after school, as well as during the school holidays. Fritids is available to children from the preschool up to the 6th grade. The children are placed in fritids groups based on their age and each group plans activities accordingly. While school is free, fritids incurs a fee.
The Education Act states that fritids should stimulate students’ development and learning, making their free time meaningful as well as recreational. At BMSL, we fulfil this by planning our service provision around the children’s needs. This means that we offer a variety of activities in the different groups. We bake, do crafts, play outdoors or join in with organized activities. We also offer a homework help group and a reading room, for those pupils wishing to continue with the day’s school work.
During the school holidays we make the most of our local area, visiting the library, the Science Centre at LTH, Lund’s Botanical Garden and parks nearby.