Applications - Questions and Answers
Are Stiftelsen BMSL preschool, primary and high school departments open to everyone?
Yes. We adhere to the Swedish Education Act which states that all preschools and schools should be accessible to all children/pupils where places are available.
Does Stiftelsen BMSL admit an equal number of boys and girls to gender-balance the classes?
No. In accordance with the Swedish Education Act we offer places according to the position in the queue and give priority to the siblings of existing pupils and those being offered places.
Is a connection to the French or English language a prerequisite for admission to the preschool, primary or high school?
No. There is no such requirement. Over 30 languages are spoken by our pupils. However, our pupils all have English and French in common due to Stiftelsen BMSL’s immersion method.
Is attendance at a Montessori preschool a prerequisite for admission to Stiftelsen BMSL?
How long should we have to wait for a place?
Our most significant intakes occur at the preschool at around 1-year of age and for those beginning F Class (that is 6-year-old children or those turning 6 during the F Class year). In these instances, an offer of a place will be sent out in November or December of the year before the child is due to begin at Stiftelsen BMSL. If pupils do not join Stiftelsen BMSL during these intakes, another pupil has to leave the school in order for a place to become available to someone in the queue. We cannot predict when such vacancies might occur.
Can you find out your place in the queue?
Yes and no. You can receive information relating to your position in the queue by simply enquiring. However, sibling priority can alter that position.
Send an email to info@bmsl.se
Can children with English or French as a mother tongue skip the queue?
No. In accordance with the Swedish Education Act, we only offer places according to the position in the queue, giving priority to siblings.
Have children with a background in Montessori education priority?
No. In accordance with the Swedish Education Act, we only offer places according to the position in the queue, giving priority to siblings.
Do children living in Lund have priority?
No. Stiftelsen BMSL does not have a catchment area. It is open to everyone.
Do you need to register your children in both the preschool and school queues, or is your child transferred automatically to the queue for the school if he or she has not been offered a place at the preschool?
There are two separate queues, so you need to register your child in both queues.
If my child has a place at the preschool is he or she guaranteed a place at the school?
Yes. Stiftelsen BMSL preschool and school have the same Principal, therefore a child enrolled at the preschool is guaranteed a place at the school.
Does priority for siblings apply to both preschool and school-aged children?
Sibling priority is applicable regardless of age.